
“Aideen is a very insightful coach who provides practical and individual focused advice, tools and tips based on the given situation”.    Brian Kehoe, Director Strategy & Operations

“A number of years ago I was searching for clarity with regard to my career… what did I want to do? Was my job fulfilling? Did I want to stay doing what I was doing or was it time for a change and if so what? Aideen really helped me focus on what values and beliefs were important to me in life and what activities gave me energy versus those that irritated me. The result was having a clearer picture of what type of organisation and people I wanted to work with and for and the type of responsibility I wanted within that organisation. It allowed me to really take responsibility and accountability for my own career and gave me the skills needed to constantly reassess. The result is the constant feeling of empowerment over my career and the reassurance that as I evolve I have tools necessary to ensure my career is evolving too. I couldn’t recommend Aideen highly enough if you are at a career crossroads or need any guidance with regard to career. Her skills and expertise can help if you are just starting out in your career or are a tenured professional. She is knowledgeable, professional and has a great ability to cut through the noise and get to the core”  Ciara Murphy – Talent Acquisition Manager

I engaged the services of Aideen from FlexiSmart Coaching for career change coaching as I considered a career change after 17 years in a particular role and industry. Aideen provided me with expert career planning coaching as well as functional CV guidance and job strategy advice. I have since secured a role with a networking contact from a previous employment, something that I had not considered as an option. I found Aideen very knowledgeable and professional, which is exactly what I needed during this stressful transition“.    Claire O’Keeffe, Business Manager

“Last year I engaged Aideen’s services to assist with Career and Executive Coaching. I had an upcoming opportunity for development in work and Aideen helped me to prepare and improve my interview skills as it was some time since I had previously been through the interview process. Aideen was wonderful, very professional with an enormous amount of experience in the areas I required. It increased my confidence levels during the interview process and I was successful in my application. Can’t recommend the services of FlexiSmart Coaching enough.”     Regina Myler, Service Business Manager

“I engaged Aideen at a time where I felt I wasn’t getting the results from my career that I expected. At the time I was consulting and moving from project to project looking for that ‘perfect’ opportunity. The reality is I didn’t even know what ‘perfect’ was for me. With Aideen’s help I got a much clearer understanding of my own values and the value I can deliver for others. The net result was that within a few weeks I landed the ‘perfect’ opportunity for me and I now feel like my career is exactly where I want it to be. Aideen’s help was invaluable and her knowledge and integrity are unquestionable. I would highly recommend contacting Aideen if you think you are falling short of your full potential”.  Derek Gallagher, Managing Director

“My son completed a Career Assessment Programme with FlexiSmart to help him with his subject choice decision going into 5th year. He really hadn’t a clue where his strengths may be. He firstly completed the online assessments around aptitudes and interests. He found the process extremely helpful in identifying career areas of that could ultimately interest him along with identifying strengths and aptitudes. Together they worked on the ideal subjects and areas to help him work towards his career path. I would highly recommend FlexiSmart’s Career Assessment Programme for any student exploring or needing help with subject choice, further education or career fields”.   Andrea Jones, Parent of Senior Cycle Student – Career Assessment Programme

“The sheer amount of career advice that Aideen imparted in all areas from job seeking to learning strategies and digital presence was second to none. Aideen is extremely effective as a career coach. Her ability to engage and encourage me to find a new perspective was second to none. Aideen’s ability to allow me the space to find my own answers when reworking my CV became essential. There is another aspect to Aideen’s coaching and that is the human side. Aideen is excellent at putting people at ease. It is an ease that makes the coaching conversations more flowing and allowed me to bounce ideas around. I found every session with Aideen very uplifting, positive and motivating. The ability to encourage and motivate in these session is absolutely crucial and it is a skill that comes naturally to Aideen. I believe her level of skill, knowledge, understanding and empathy are second to none.”   Aidan Dunne, Group Operations Manager

“Due to Aideen’s skills as a coach I have ended up in a job that very much reflects my personal values and drivers as especially in the initial sessions she walked me through the discovery process until I could see much more clearly what I wanted in my next role. She was also very skilled in guiding me through the practicalities of presenting myself how I wanted to be viewed professionally through my CV, LinkedIn profile, applications and interviews. Her practical support in particular on how to approach competency based applications and interviews and the STAR method was invaluable. Her personable approach also really helped with my confidence, as this was not in a good place after being made redundant.”    Gill McNamara – Manager (Management Consultants KPMG)