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UNIFY4TEAMS Development and Coaching Programme

Unlock the Potential of Your Team Today

Building a high-performing team requires more than assembling talented individuals.  It requires a deliberate approach to foster connection and collaboration to maximise success, potential and well-being.

The world is continually adjusting to change and that brings both challenge and opportunity.   And we all adapt to change differently.

Our Unify4Teams programme offers a comprehensive solution to do just that.  We offer a series of workshops based on your team’s individual needs.  Our programme  begins pre-programme interviews, tailored workshops designed according to specific team requirements and also includes regular coaching sessions and follow-ups to support the team’s progress and ensure accountability. We provide encouragement and also challenge to ensure long-term success and sustainability for connection, productivity and wellbeing.

Why Us?
  • Together we have a wealth of team development and coaching experience between us spanning various organisations and industries.
  • Margaret Quane is an accredited PCC (Professional Certified Coach) accreditation from the ICF (International Coaching Federation). Aideen Shannon is an accredited Senior Practitioner with the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council). 
  • Aideen is also in final year of her post graduate Diploma in Leadership in Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace.
  • We invest in lifelong #CPD and #learning to benefit our clients by staying abreast with the most recent developments, current research, and active models and experience in the areas coaching and development for teams.
  • Together we assure our clients of our continued professional standards and ethos regarding coaching and development. Assuring your teams are in very capable hands for #teamdevelopment #coaching, and #well-being.

Are you searching for a programme that facilitates effective team development, effectiveness and wellbeing in a safe and collaborative space using accredited and proven coaching models and tools?  Feel free to book an exploratory meeting or call with us today. We would love to discuss our programme with you in more detail.


The Unify4Teams programme helped us reconnect to what makes us great as a team”

Team – February 2023


“The Unify4Teams coaching & training programme was a great fit for my team of 10.  The one to one sessions provided each team member the opportunity to reinforce the learnings of the group and in progressing and developing a strong working group.   The workshops offered an opportunity to have voices heard equally and some really great ideas were produced from these sessions, which we have worked to develop to strengthen our work environment.   As a manager the process gave me a chance to see the dynamics of my team in a new way and offered insights into the thought processes of individual group members, which I was not aware of previously”.

Team, April 2023